Liwei Zhou

Ph.D. Student Fellow, AY2023-2024

Liwei Zhou headshot

Zhou Liwei is a PhD candidate from the School of Government, Peking University (PKU). He majors in comparative politics and Chinese politics. Zhou got his M.A. from Renming University of China (RUC) in 2019, majored in political theory, and B.A. from South West University of Political Science and Law (SWUPL) in 2017, majored in public administration. He ever worked in Huangpu District government of Shanghai from 2019 to 2020.

Zhou’s research interests include urban politics, social policy and authoritarian regimes. He focuses on policy feedback effects of social welfare in modern China, and the mass politics shaped by urban spatial phenomenon in Chinese metropolises. His current research focuses on welfare for the poor in developing countries, especially on how political actions of the poor influence welfare policies in such countries.