Program Involvement
Quynh Ngo is a researcher, specialist, and consultant with the Ash Center’s Unseen Legacies of the Vietnam War project. Quynh works with Vietnamese and American partners and resources to find, verify, and organize Vietnamese war dead information and personal ephemera. This includes locating burial sites of Vietnamese MIAs then working with Vietnamese partners and contacts to track down living veterans and families of Vietnamese war dead for the return of project deliverables. Before moving to the United States to work on Fulbright Teacher Exchanges at the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) in Washington, DC., Quynh was the cultural specialist at the U.S. Embassy for 25 years. With a deep knowledge of Vietnamese history and U.S.-Vietnam relations, he managed a full range of U.S. government educational and cultural exchange programs and led the embassy’s public engagement on Vietnam War legacy issues. He was the lead local staff in designing public outreach activities for embassy officials and senior U.S. visitors. Quynh led many deeply researched public outreach plans for U.S. ambassadors to promote mutual trust and reconciliation between the U.S. and Vietnam. Quynh previously worked as a journalist and writer for the Vietnam Investment Review. He has a master’s in International Relations from the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and four bachelor’s degrees in economics, public administration, English, French from major universities in Hanoi.