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Media Release

Harvard Kennedy School releases: China’s Most Generous Report

The Rajawali Foundation at Harvard Kennedy School has released, “China’s Most Generous – Examining Trends in Contemporary Chinese Philanthropy”, which provides insights into current trends among China’s major donors and recipients.

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75 Items

of 9


Ensuring the Future of the Lower Mekong Basin


Ensuring the Future of the Lower Mekong Basin

Lower Mekong Public Policy Initiative experts say proactive policies and collaboration can prevent one of the most biologically diverse areas in the world from environmental and economic calamity

Creating a Social Impact Movement


Creating a Social Impact Movement

Ash Center Lee Kuan Yew Fellow, a social innovation leader in Malaysia, will continue to address societal problems with people-first policies after graduation.

Q+A with Jie Bai, Assistant Professor of Public Policy


Q+A with Jie Bai, Assistant Professor of Public Policy

Jie Bai joined HKS as an Assistant Professor of Public Policy in AY 2017. She received her PhD in Economics from MIT in June 2016 and then spent one year at Microsoft Research New England.

Teaching in Technicolor


Teaching in Technicolor

Hla Hla Win MC/MPA 2016 Transforms Myanmar Education with Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

China, Trump, and Climate Change: A Discussion with Edward Cunningham


China, Trump, and Climate Change: A Discussion with Edward Cunningham

In advance of Chinese President Xi  Jinping’s first meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump, we sat down with Edward Cunningham, China Programs director at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation to discuss China, Trump, and climate change.